More connections to Sardinia 

A focus on Sardinia: Grimaldi is launching its new Savona-Porto Torres maritime connection in April 2022, with the ro-pax vessel “Zeus Palace” being deployed on the route. From 11 April until 1 July 2022 and then again from 19 September to 31 December 2022, the new route... more
Decision on LNG Terminal in Brunsbüttel 

In Germany, the long dispute on the location of the planned LNG Terminal seems to have come to an end. Gasunie and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) (on behalf of the German federal government) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to take the project into a... more
A new low in reliability on the seas 

Copenhagen-based Sea-Intelligence has analysed the schedule reliability figures up to and including January 2022. As expected, schedule reliability lost again to reach 30.9% "the lowest ever global schedule reliability since Sea-Intelligence started the measure in... more
Cool chain high in Antwerp continues 

The Port of Antwerp is maintaining its upward trend in the cool chain segment: the number of reefer containers handled in the Belgian port rose by 2.7%, surpassing the mark of 1 million teu for the second year in a row now. The growth in 2021 was mainly driven by a 6%... more
Qatar improves relations with Iran 

According to a report published by the consulting agency Dezan Shira & Associates, Iran and Qatar plan to establish regular shipping links between the ports of the two countries. The countries also agreed to expand cooperation between Qatar Air and Iranian airlines.... more
Wilhelmshaven rising further 

The German Jade Weserport Wilhelmshaven benefited from the rupture of many supply chains in 2021, with the Eurogate Container Terminal Wilhelmshaven posting a 68.5% increase in throughput last year. Nearly 713,000 teu, more containers than at any time since the port began... more
Groundbreaking for a new hub in Duisport 

Duisport is aiming to build Europe’s first climate-neutral hinterland terminal. The groundbreaking ceremony marks not only the start of construction of the Duisburg Gateway Terminal (DGT) but also the implementation of the joint project "Ener Port II". On the site... more
Grimaldi joins Barcelona's Nexigen project 

In the course of the Nexigen project, the Port of Barcelona and the Grimaldi Group signed an agreement to connect the operator's ships to the electricity grid. The Nexigen project aims to electrify the docks of the port area to decarbonise port activity and improve air quality,... more
From Rotterdam to Russia 

As an important hub of raw materials in Europe and worldwide, the Port of Rotterdam has explained its relation to the sanctions. Russia accounts for 62 million t (13%) of the nearly 470 million t handled in the Port of Rotterdam. The country currently imports about 30% of crude... more
Balanced results for Auckland ports 

The Ports of Auckland reported rising throughput during the first half of its financial year, July till December 2021. While container volumes rose moderately (+1.4%) to 364,000 teu compared to the same period a year ago (359,000 teu), breakbulk volumes including cars for the... more