Hapag-Lloyd to buy DAL's container liner business 

Taking the opportunity to increase its service portfolio, Hapag-Lloyd has signed a framework agreement with German carrier Deutsche Afrika-Linien (DAL) to acquire its container liner business. The completion of the transaction is subject to approval by the relevant antitrust... more
Diesel pricing in frenzy 

According to data published by maritime intelligence provider Vessels Value, the price for diesel continues to rise. Since the outbreak of the war in Europe on 26 February 2022, the MR Atlantic Basket (an average of freight rates on key routes in the Atlantic Basin) climbed... more
CMA CGM making it big 

CMA CGM has reported its audited results for 2021. Achieving almost USD 56 billion in revenues (+78% compared to 2020), the net income went up to USD 17.94 billion (almost tenfold, +910% compared to 2020). Containerised shipping was highly profitable, standing for a total of USD... more
Tidewater expands offshore services 

Banyan Overseas, a subsidiary of Hong Kong-based Swire Pacific, has entered into a sale and purchase agreement with Tidewater, a company listed on the New York stock exchange. The subject of the deal is the sale of 100% of interest in Swire Pacific Offshore. The transaction... more
ZIM sees volumes rise 

ZIM has reported its consolidated results for the full year 2021: the Haifa-based carrier handled 3.48 million teu over the year, an increase of 23% compared to the same period last year, thus recording a stronger performance in this field than a number of other players in the... more
More connections to Sardinia 

A focus on Sardinia: Grimaldi is launching its new Savona-Porto Torres maritime connection in April 2022, with the ro-pax vessel “Zeus Palace” being deployed on the route. From 11 April until 1 July 2022 and then again from 19 September to 31 December 2022, the new route... more
Decision on LNG Terminal in Brunsbüttel 

In Germany, the long dispute on the location of the planned LNG Terminal seems to have come to an end. Gasunie and the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) (on behalf of the German federal government) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to take the project into a... more
A new low in reliability on the seas 

Copenhagen-based Sea-Intelligence has analysed the schedule reliability figures up to and including January 2022. As expected, schedule reliability lost again to reach 30.9% "the lowest ever global schedule reliability since Sea-Intelligence started the measure in... more
Cool chain high in Antwerp continues 

The Port of Antwerp is maintaining its upward trend in the cool chain segment: the number of reefer containers handled in the Belgian port rose by 2.7%, surpassing the mark of 1 million teu for the second year in a row now. The growth in 2021 was mainly driven by a 6%... more
Qatar improves relations with Iran 

According to a report published by the consulting agency Dezan Shira & Associates, Iran and Qatar plan to establish regular shipping links between the ports of the two countries. The countries also agreed to expand cooperation between Qatar Air and Iranian airlines.... more