Comeback for German inland navigation 

Germany has witnessed a slight recovery in inland shipping of late, according to a recent press release from the country’s federal statistical office (Destatis). While total transport volumes increased by 3.8% in 2021, the total volume of goods transported is 4.9% lower than... more
Record passages – and prices 

High volumes through Suez and Panama Canals in 2021 – higher prices in 2022. more
LNG network also anchors in Belgium 

Sea-LNG, a multi-sector industry coalition that aims to foster LNG’s benefits as a viable marine fuel, has won the port of Zeebrugge as a new member. The infrastructure to store and transfer LNG marine fuel has been used in Zeebrugge since 1987. The port is one of the major... more
Wallenius Wilhelmsen becomes abnormal 

After an initial investment in 2012 and a partnership of twelve years, Wallenius Wilhelmsen has now acquired all of ALS, a non-asset specialised logistics provider in the market for oversized, abnormal, exceptional and heavylift shipments. The price of the transaction was not... more
2021 a strong year for HHLA 

The revenues of Hamburger Hafen and Logistik AG (HHLA) increased by 12.7% to almost EUR 1.5 billion in 2021 (EUR 1.3 billion in 2020), despite the effects of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine. The group’s operating result (ebit) leapt to EUR 228.2 million, compared to the... more
More Californian container handling 

The Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles have delayed their consideration of the “container dwell fee” until 25 March - and probably further. Still, the San Pedro Bay ports – Long Beach and Los Angeles combined – have seen a 64% decline in aging cargo on the docks... more
UK-Cherbourg link in the making 

A new multimodal terminal is being planned for the port of Cherbourg. The hub is scheduled to start operations in 2024. It will link the South West of France to UK via Cherbourg. The project will involve Brittany Ferries building a railway terminal in Mouguerre (Greater... more
The Bahamas go for South Korea 

The Bahamas flag registry is exploring growth opportunities in Asia. To this end, it has created a representation in South Korea through an agreement with marine and logistics provider Ben Line Agencies. Captain Jahangir Hussain, regional director for Asia, commented: “South... more
How bad is the situation in Shenzhen? 

In its recent analysis, Chicago-based software developer and intelligence provider Four Kites reports that China’s zero-Covid policy is having a severe impact on the supply chains across the country. At Shenzhen, normally the country’s second busiest port, a trend of sharply... more
Wan Hai's next investment 

Demand for maritime cargo capacities remains high, with prices still soaring. The German Danz und Tietjens Schiffahrtsgruppe sold a vessel to the Chinese liner Wan Hai for almost USD 110 million. The German company had bought the 5,500 teu unit “Allegoria”, which was built... more