AMT changes hands 

The Naples-headquartered Grimaldi Group has significantly enlarged footprint in the port of Amsterdam. In a first step, the group purchased 80% of the shares of the Amsterdam Multipurpose Terminal (AMT) with a 20-year concession. The remaining 20% is owned by TMA Holding, a... more
For the best liner in coffee 

The Italian liner Ignazio Messina & C. has received fresh laurels of a special kind. The shipping company has won the prestigious title of international ECF Best shipping line of the coffee year 2021/2022. The prize was awarded by the European Coffee Federation, which is the... more
On the impact of the 2M break-up 

The Copenhagen-based maritime consultancy Sea-Intelligence has put forward its analysis of the two-year transition period until the announced break-up of the 2M alliance. CEO Alan Murphy pointed out the picture is still blurred with regards to the capacity in question:... more
Swire launches PWX 

A new service has been introduced in the Asia-Pacific trade lanes. Swire Shipping, the former China Navigation Company, has launched the Pacific Weekly Express (PWX) service. It calls ports on a seven-day frequency in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia, and Fiji,... more
Tianjin maintains speed 

The Port of Tianjin has drawn a positive balance for 2022. The Chinese port, which also services Beijing, passed the threshold of 21 million teu last year, an upswing of 6.9% compared to the median of the last five years and 3.9% above the level in 2021. China Tianjin Port... more
Living multimodality 

Direction of P&O Ferrymasters under fresh leadership. Timm Niebergall, relatively new in his job as CEO in Rotterdam, considers P&O Ferrymasters’ pan-European approach to be a key promise for the future. He’s convinced that “intermodal activities will increase further, despite... more
DP World wins bid in India 

DP World has won a major concession at Deendayal port in Gujarat, on the western coast of India. The key purpose of the project is the construction, development, and operation of a container terminal at Tuna-Tekra within the framework of a public private partnership (PPP).... more
Husky joins ICHCA 

On the US West Coast, the Husky Terminal and Stevedoring of Tacoma, close to Seattle, has become a new member of ICHCA International (ICHCA), which is the global association representing cargo handling companies. Husky provides stevedoring services, container yard and... more
AAL fosters presence in the Middle East 

AAL Shipping (AAL) established its first representative office in the Middle East in Dubai in early 2015. The carrier is now operating at least one scheduled multipurpose heavy lift cargo sailing through the region every month (via its Europe, Middle East / India, Asia liner... more
Spanish ports back on track 

According to the latest figures published by the Spanish Puertos del Estado, Spain’s ports moved 548.0 million t of goods in 2022. This is 3% more cargo than in 2021 and 0.7% less than in 2019. Despite the economic slowdown which set in late last year, throughput at the Spanish... more