New responsibilities at K Line 

At a board meeting recently, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) modified the responsibilities of the executive officer. The present responsibilities of executive officer Satoshi Kanamori are to head LNG and energy business planning; he is also general manager of the energy business... more
Jaxport COO earns industry certification 

Jaxport COO Frederick Wong Jr. is one of eight graduates from the USA and Canada to earn the 2019 American association of port authorities’ professional port manager (PPM) certification. Wong is the second Jaxport employee in the port’s history to earn this industry... more
Tarros holds network meeting 

Building the Network 2nd edition, the 2019 Tarros Group Agency meeting was held at Tarros HQ in La Spezia (Italy). Over 50 managers from Portugal, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Malta, Lebanon, Turkey and Italy took part in the two-day event, which was focused on the integrated... more
Martin Bencher opens office in Bilbao 

Martin Bencher Group, the Danish project logistics expert, is expanding in Southern Europe. The company has been active in Spain for many years in terms of operations and sales. Therefore, Martin Bencher Group is now opening an office in Bilbao, Spain. Managing director for... more
Suzane Giurlando to lead Epal 

Suzane Giurlando has taken over the management of the Gütegemeinschaft Paletten (Epal Germany). After she had worked as an assistant of the company’s management and board since 2011, the board has now appointed her to the position of managing director. Giurlando relies on... more
Lineas renews management team 

The private rail freight operator Lineas is saying goodbye to two of its key members in the management team, Rik Vos, COO, and Sam Bruynseels, CCO, who both have decided to explore new opportunities. Both will be leaving the company in 2019 in search of new challenges. At... more
Interworld Freight gains AEO certification 

Interworld Freight in the Dominican Republic has been certified as an authorized economic operator (AEO) by OEA (operador economico autorizado). Country manager Leonardo Ocampo says; "Interworld Freight is committed and always looking to provide the highest safety standards... more
Gerhard Hillebrand chairs road transport committee at DVF 

Gerhard Hillebrand, vice president for transport of the ADAC and member of the presiding board of the Deutsches Verkehrsforum (DVF), a multi-modal association for passenger and cargo transport, chaired his first meeting as chairman of the DVF’s steering committee for road... more
Nexxiot accepted as member of ITCO 

Nexxiot, a provider of the digitised supply chain, has been accepted as a member of ITCO (international tank container organisation). With over 170 members worldwide, the organisation represents the tank container industry vis-à-vis all sectors of the transport community,... more
Meantime Communications hires Justin Burns 

Global PR and communications consultancy Meantime Communications has signed up experienced journalist and editor Justin Burns. Burns has worked for over six years in B2B trade publishing covering mainly aviation and air freight, including roles as reporter at Airport Council... more