Port director to step down at the end of 2020 

After many years of service as director of the Schweizerischen Rheinhäfen (Port of Switzerland) Hans-Peter Hadorn will step down for reasons of age at the end of 2020. The position will be publicly advertised. The economist from Berne took over the management of Basel's... more
UN organisations issue joint declaration 

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (Icao) has joined the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) in issuing a new statement on the need to ensure ‘key worker’ designations for the millions of skilled personnel now... more
Mission to Seafarers appoints two new vice presidents 

The Mission to Seafarers has elected two new vice presidents: Esben Poulsson, chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping and chairman of Enesel and Grahaeme Henderson, vice president, Shell Shipping & Maritime. This is an important role, appointed for a four year... more
Çelebi gains gold Leed certification 

Çelebi Hava Servisi successfully implemented all the necessary requirements for “sustainable and environmentally friendly facility regulations” into its technical maintenance workshop building and was rewarded with the gold certificate in accordance with the global green... more
Guinea Shipping Corporation names new executive chairman 

Guinea Shipping Corporation (GSC) has appointed Bernt Meldgaard Christensen as the company's new executive chairman. Christensen has a wealth of experience in the maritime industry spanning more than 30 years and will be responsible for leading the new team. He succeeds his... more
Ghislain Fernandez joins Heppner 

Heppner has appointed Ghislain Fernandez as its managing director for international affiliates. Fernandez takes over the management of the French Heppner group's subsidiaries in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. Besides his experience in management, Fernandez also draws... more
TIP Trailer Services picks new CFO 

TIP Trailer Services has appointed Hans van Lierop as CFO and management board member. He will work from TIP’s international headquarters in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. “I am looking forward to joining TIP’s senior leadership team and leading its finance organisation in... more
Port of Melbourne appoints new head 

Port of Melbourne has hired Shaun Mooney as executive general manager, commercial, with oversight of property and business development, reporting to Brendan Bourke, CEO. Mooney joins Port of Melbourne following a stint at Linfox as general manager commercial projects, and 18... more
Bahamas Maritime Authority chooses new deputy director 

The Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) has appointed Captain Ghulam Hussain as deputy director (maritime affairs) with responsibility for Bahamas representation at IMO and intergovernmental meetings. Hussain joins the BMA having recently held a similar position at the Nautical... more
Peter Spuhler again CEO of Stadler Rail 

Due to differences of opinion regarding Stadler's future strategy and organisation, the board of directors and the group CEO Thomas Ahlburg have decided to terminate the employment by mutual agreement. Until a successor is found, Peter Spuhler, executive chairman of the board of... more