Generation change at Duisport 

Upon recommendation of the executive committee, the supervisory board of Duisburger Hafen unanimously elected Markus Bangen (front right) as new chief executive officer and Carsten Hinne (front left) as new member of the executive board. Supervisory board chairman Hendrik... more
Guillen leaves Tesla 

Engineer Jérôme Guillen, who held high-ranking positions at Tesla for more than ten years, left tech billionaire Elon Musk's U.S. electric company on 3 June 2021. The former Daimler executive had joined Tesla in 2010 and most recently was responsible for the heavy truck... more
Haycock to lead Nyshex' new Europe office 

As of 2 August, Jeremy Haycock joins the New York Shipping Exchange (Nyshex), a digital container shipping platform championing contract compliance, as managing director for Europe to establish operations on the continent. The Europe office, which will be based in UK, will be... more
Fresh impetus for Propeller Club Port of Basel 

ITJ editor-in-chief Christian Doepgen (second from the right) has been elected the seventh president of the Propeller Club Port of Basel (PCB), founded in 1978. With its series of lectures and excursions, the Propeller Club in Basel, covering the northern, central and... more
MAN Truck & Bus names CIO 

André Wehner has been named chief information officer (CIO) at MAN Truck & Bus. He succeeds Stephan Fingerling, who is moving to Volkswagen group IT services as managing director. In his new role, Wehner will head the company's global IT division, which also includes the... more
Reinarz leads towing business in Caribbean 

Effective 1 June 2021, Matthias Reinarz has been appointed new managing director for Svitzer in the Dominican Republic & Caribbean. He replaces Dickson Rivas, who is stepping down and retiring by the end of the year after a long career in the company. Rivas will remain... more
Pirola to head food and reefer business in China 

Bolloré Logistics has appointed Julie Pirola as food and reefer product manager, in keeping with the company’s strategy to expand this business segment in China. Pirola is based in Shanghai and reports directly to Jean-Philippe Rétif, commercial director of Bolloré Logistics... more
New commercial head for Southampton port 

Associated British Ports (ABP) has appointed Paul Reeves as its new head of commercial activities for the Southampton region, effective August 2021. This key role will be essential to supporting existing customers and driving further growth. Reeves is currently sales VP for... more
Tillotson joins Port Manatee 

Located "where Tampa Bay meets the Gulf of Mexico", trade hub Port Manatee has hired Charles D. Tillotson as its new chief commercial officer. In this role, the US navy veteran with nearly four decades of diverse maritime industry experience looks to bolster... more
Bifa encourages recruitment of apprentices 

Robert Keen, director general of the British International Freight Association (Bifa) has reminded the association's members that "since 2 June 2021, employers of all sizes in England can apply for extra funding to help them take on new apprentices, with GBP 3,000 (EUR... more