Changes at Airport Authority Hong Kong 

Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) has appointed two new senior managers. Vivian Cheung, currently the executive director of airport operations, will be the new COO, and Steven Yiu, currently the deputy director of airport operations, will become her successor. The appointments... more
Dunkirk chairman now at the helm of Norlink Ports 

After five years as president of Norlink Ports Bruno Fontaine, president of the Scheldt Ports, has decided to leave his role with the association. On 28 November a restricted board of directors meeting was held for Norlink Ports, during which Maurice Georges, chairman of the... more
New generation in charge at workplace specialist Krieg 

On 1 October Andreas Krieg (left) transferred the management of Krieg, a company specialising in workplace systems and office furnishings, to Florian Becker (right). After completing his business studies Becker worked for one of the largest wholesalers of automotive parts for... more
Humanitarian logistics award from 2023 

The Logistics Hall of Fame is set to present a new international award from 2023 onwards – the Lynn C. Fritz Medal for Excellence in Humanitarian Logistics. The annual medal will recognise humanitarian organisations and their partners for outstanding logistics projects. The... more
CDB Aviation picks Jie Chen 

The board of directors of CDB Aviation, a wholly-owned Irish subsidiary of China Development Bank Financial Leasing, has selected Jie Chen to become the company’s new chief executive officer. Chen will take the helm in January 2023 and replace Patrick Hannigan, whose... more
CCA welcomes members and treasurer 

The Cool Chain Association (CCA) has welcomed Brussels Airport, Boeing, Singapore Airport Terminal Services (Sats), and Validaide as new members and appointed Miguel Rodríguez, the senior manager of climate control products with Qatar Airways as its treasurer. The... more
GAC promotes Fredriksson to top echelons 

The GAC Group, a shipping, logistics and marine services provider, has appointed Pontus Fredriksson (on the right) as its new group president, with effect from 1 January 2023. Bengt Ekstrand (on the left), who held the position for the last ten years, will take on the role of... more
German network names new board members 

The members of the Central German Logistics Network (Netzwerk Logistik Mitteldeutschland, NLM) elected two new board members to their five-member governing body at their general meeting. They are Nicole Uhlmann, sales manager of the company Emons-Rail-Cargo and terminal... more
CEO confirmed at the helm until 2026 

The supervisory board of Trans-o-Flex Expressdienst has extended the contract with its CEO Wolfgang P. Albeck (centre) early, prolonging it by another two years to 31 March 2026. Albeck took over as CEO in 2017. “The company has been successful since Albeck joined the... more
ATSG selects Paul Chase as new CCO 

Air Transport Services Group (ATSG) has announced that Paul Chase will assume Mike Berger’s responsibilities as chief commercial officer when Berger transitions to chief strategy officer, effective today, 5 December 2022. Chase is currently CEO of Ameriflight. He will take over... more