Trolley truck cuts diesel fuel consumption 

About a month ago, the freight forwarder Schanz, which is based in Ober-Ramstadt (Germany), added a trolley truck to its vehicle fleet. With the Scania R 450 Hybrid, the driver carries about 110 to 150 t of cargo per day from the headquarters of a paint manufacturer in the lower... more
Field trials for e-trucks in Switzerland 

Two more battery-powered electric Mercedes-Benz trucks are now in operation in Switzerland to test the heavy-duty eActros in customer service: logistics provider Camion Transport is assessing an 18-t lorry and major distributor Migros is trying out a 25-t truck. With the... more
European Rail Facilities Portal to stimulate rail freight 

The European Commission's DG Move has launched a new portal site called Rail Facilities Portal. It provides an overview of rail stations, intermodal terminals and shunting stations in Europe, including the Flemish ports. The electronic platform has been established to... more
Digital transport gaining ground in Europe 

Poland has become the latest European country to accede to e-CMR: The country's adoption of the electronic consignment note serves as fresh momentum for digital transport operations in Europe and beyond, following close on the heels of the recent accession to e-CMR by Finland,... more
Industry demands widening of Stuttgart-Zurich route 

Widening the railway line between Stuttgart (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland) has been put off for decades. Under an initiative launched by the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg chamber of industry and trade, associations and industrial enterprises along the corridor have joined... more
New Teesport rail service to deliver furniture 

UK-based PD Ports and GB Railfreight have launched a dedicated railfreight service between Teesport and Doncaster for the multimodal operator Containerships and its end customer Ikea Transport & Logistics. The twice-daily rail service shifts 120 vehicle movements per day... more
New contract celebrated in loco naming ceremony 

In the UK, Freightliner, which is part of G&W, and the transport company ONE celebrated a key milestone in their relationship when they unveiled and named the repainted Freightliner locomotive 66587 in ONE’s corporate branding. The loco naming ceremony took place at... more
Fleet upgrade to improve intermodal services across USA 

Roadrunner Intermodal Services in the USA has acquired over 60 new tractors for operations at U.S. ports and railway hubs. According to the company, the new equipment will help to increase safety, reduce breakdowns, improve fuel efficiency, provide a better driving experience... more
New Zealand: Napier-Wairoa line ready to run 

KiwiRail has completed the restoration of the 115 km Napier to Wairoa rail line, which was mothballed in December 2012 following severe storm damage. The next focus of New Zealand’s rail operator is to establish a log-hub in Wairoa so that it will be ready to begin running... more