Rail has highest market share in 25 years
In Switzerland, the opening of the Ceneri base tunnel and the 4 m corridor in H1/2021 enabled the railways to expand their position in transalpine freight traffic. Rail now accounts for a share of 74.4%. This is the highest value in 25 years. The number of truck journeys... more
Electronic consignment note passes last hurdle
The law on the electronic consignment note has passed the German Bundesrat (federal council). The so-called e-CMR Protocol of 20 February 2008 supplements the 1956 convention on the international carriage of goods by road (CMR). It stipulates that the consignment note, which... more
Korean polyethylene en route to Turkey
Russian-based Trans Container and Korean company Taewoong Logistics have arranged the first freight transport from the Republic of Korea to Turkey via the ports of Far East and Novorossiysk on the Black Sea in Russia. 112 containers loaded with polyethylene arrived from... more
French carrier renamed
Euro Cargo Rail (ECR) has become DB Cargo France. With this rebranding, DB Cargo completes the integration of Euro Cargo Rail (ECR) and underpins its position as Europe's largest railfreight operator, the company said. DB Cargo's network now comprises 17 national companies. Each... more
FLXdrive locomotive to operate in Pilbara region
The Australian mining company Roy Hill is the first to purchase Wabtec’s FLXdrive battery-electric locomotive, the world’s first 100% battery, heavy-haul locomotive for the region and the mining industry. It will operate from the mine in the Pilbara region of West Australia to... more
More safe parking areas for truck drivers
The European Commission has launched a call for proposals to access EUR 100 million to improve the network of safe and secure truck parking areas (SSTPA) in the European Union. The International Road Union (IRU) and the European Transport Workers’ Federation (EFT) have welcomed... more
Trains can ship a great deal more waste
Rail Cargo Group (RCG) transports 8 million t of waste annually, 12% of the total waste in Austria. According to RCG, the potential is much higher and the prospects for an expansion of waste transports by rail are currently good. In Austria, from 2023, all waste transports... more
Qube to expand export bulk services
Qube has acquired Australia’s grain loading and rail discharge Newcastle Agri Terminal (NAT). The facility has 60,000 t of silo storage space, modern rail reception infrastructure, road discharge facilities and the ability to load out up to 2,000 t per hour. The terminal is... more
Gateway Basel Nord making progress
The Swiss federal office of transport (FOT) has confirmed funds of CHF 83 million for the planned trimodal terminal Gateway Basel Nord. The funds had already been approved in 2018. However, because of a ruling by the Federal administrative court, the FOT had to repeat the... more
No train, no flight
Green Cargo will continue transporting fuel by rail between the port of Gävle and the Brista unloading station outside Arlanda (Sweden) for ground handling company A Flygbränslehantering (AFAB). The companies have extended their contract to this effect for another five years.... more