Game changer is on track 

This time, the symposium of the association of freight car owners in Germany (VPI) was all about digital automatic coupling (DAC). As VPI chairman Malte Lawrenz explained, the first steps on the long road to the Europe-wide introduction of the DAC technology have been taken.... more
38th rail service launched 

GB Railfreight has introduced a new rail service for Maritime Transport in UK to connect the Hutchison Ports of Felixstowe with Birch Coppice in the Midlands. The new link is the 38th daily rail service from the port and the 15th operated by GB Railfreight from Felixstowe. The... more
First e-truck for Swiss forwarder 

Edi Bürgin, managing director of E. Bürgin Transporte based in Stetten in Schaffhausen (Switzerland), had been talking about acquiring an electric truck for years. In December, the time had come. The haulier was the first Swiss customer to take a Scania battery electric vehicle... more
Powerful engines for heavy terminal operations 

STM Trading House, part of the Sinara Group, has signed contracts for the supply of new generation TEM14M shunting locomotives to port terminals in Khabarovsk and Novorossiysk (both in Russia). The first locomotive has already been sent to Daltransugol. The unit will provide... more
Wheel misalignment more common than expected 

RL Automotive, a UK-based developer of digital and sustainable technologies, has introduced a unique tyre management platform with a range of monitoring systems. It enables fleet managers in all commercial sectors to reduce running costs, increase safety and limit the... more
Intermodal hub in Zabaykalsk is growing 

In cooperation with Zabaykalsk railway station, Russia’s largest container operator Trans Container dispatched a record number of 1,340 complete block trains loaded with Chinese cargoes from the Zabaykalsk terminal last year, 17% more than in 2020. With an annual capacity of... more
DAC demonstrator train comes to Austria 

Extensive research and development operations are underway at the European level to prepare the digital automatic coupler (DAC) for serial production. The plan is to gradually replace all conventional screw couplers from 2026 to 2030. According to the ÖBB Rail Cargo Group... more
Hiring drivers from Asia 

Cargo Go is solving its recruitment problems by hiring truck drivers from Asian and Middle Eastern countries. The Lithuanian forwarder has already recruited a number of professional drivers, and more drivers from Asian countries are to join them. The recruited drivers have... more
Latest trucks distribute food across UK 

Ten new Volvo FM 6x2 tractor units have been delivered into A.F. Blakemore & Son’s food distribution fleet, each meeting Transport for London’s three-star direct vision standard (DVS) rating. The 44 t FMs will work predominantly on the business’ contract delivering... more
Metrans expanding in the East 

The German intermodal company Metrans, a subsidiary of HHLA, has taken over the firm CL Europort, and the logistics centre of the same name, in the Polish town of Małaszewicze. The centre is near the Belarusian border and is a key hub for freight traffic in Central and Eastern... more