Cooperation to develop a brand-new e-truck 

Renault Trucks and Geodis are combining their know-how to develop a brand new 16 t electric urban truck, at a comparable cost to that of a diesel vehicle, which is a prerequisite for the widespread adoption of alternative power units, the two companies said. Delivery of the... more
Czechia lifts truck tolls 

Czechia is temporarily exempting truck drivers (and also car and bus drivers) from motorway tolls, when they are using a toll network of motorways and roads of the first class to protect and save the inhabitants of Ukraine, according to a release of the Czech ministry of... more
First e-locomotive for US short line railroad 

Newburgh & South Shore Railroad (NSR), an affiliate of US transport company Omnitrax, has purchased its first all-battery electric locomotive to service its northern Ohio rail lines. The new AMPS Traction battery electric locomotive is projected to reduce NSR emissions by... more
Vehicle fleet to be equipped with solar panels 

DHL Express is installing solar panel units on 67 trucks within its pickup and delivery fleet in USA. The solar technology is expected to reduce CO2 emissions for each vehicle by 1,000 kg per year, also lowering both fuel and maintenance costs. Trailar’s solar system... more
Increased transparency for transport services 

The Lithuanian haulier is pushing ahead with digitalisation: Girteka has launched real-time visibility solutions for all its customers, irrespective of the size of their route networks. The company’s digitalisation strategy will allow the road transport provider to share the... more
Rail service for car maker launched 

DB Cargo UK has commenced a new international rail freight services from Toton in Nottinghamshire, UK, to Valenciennes in Northern France for automotive manufacturer, Toyota. This follows the construction of a new, automotive transfer facility in the East Midlands and... more
Special equipment is available 

Additional options for pre-carriage requirements in transport to the western ports. more
US short line rail road now in service 

Missouri Eastern Railroad (MER), a wholly owned subsidiary of Jaguar Transport Holdings, began rail operations on 1 March 2022. It owns 70 km of track located in the western portion of the St. Louis metropolitan area and has leasehold rights to 15 km of adjacent track owned by... more
New member for UK's ADR network 

M&H Logistics has joined Hazchem Network, the UK’s only pallet network for the carriage of dangerous goods by road (ADR). The Scottish haulier has taken over the areas previously covered by Depot 37 Burns Express after it decided to leave the network. M&H Logistics... more
IRS to focus on "innovating rail" 

The 11th International Railway Summit (IRS), which will be organised in association with the International Union of Railways (UIC), will take place in Berlin (Germany) on 30 May – 1 June 2022. The topic will be ‘Innovating rail for people, planet and prosperity’. The... more