More services for hauliers 

On Turtle is cooperating with Webtrans. As a result of this partnership, the provider of road haulage services will add new services from the digital logistics management platform, such as its freight exchange for trucks and vans, e-CMR, fast payment, tendering and payment... more
Expansion of the Phyrn line ready to move ahead 

The ÖBB railway group is preparing the expansion of the north-south connection in Austria and has included EUR 148 million in the 2022 - 2027 framework plan for this purpose. The necessary funds are therefore now available to push ahead with the upgrade of the line between Linz... more
Intermodal network continues to grow 

Kombiverkehr has initiated a new direct train in partnership with forwarder Spedition Bode. The train connects Lübeck in Germany with Halmstad in southern Sweden. Starting point and destination is the Port of Halland logistics centre in Halmstad, while the Lehmann Terminal... more
Fleet modernisation going ahead 

Europa Road has continued to invest in its UK artic fleet, with five new high spec Renault T range 6 x 2440 13 L trucks to join its 50 strong fleet in May. The investment is part of an ongoing replacement strategy to renew the whole artic fleet over the next two years.... more
A stronger presence in Sweden 

Heinloth is expanding in Sweden and opening a branch in Helsingborg. The group of companies set up its first Scandinavian location in Trellborg (Sweden) in 2016. Heinloth expects the new branch to be a particular benefit for its freight forwarding business. Only recently,... more
Chemical transporters awarded 

Union Pacific Railroad (UP) in USA has honoured 70 companies with the 2021 pinnacle award for their dedication and commitment to safely transporting chemicals by rail. The annual award honours customers who implement release prevention protocols, corrective action plans and... more
ASEAN rail-road cross-border service launched 

Nippon Express has launched a new service linking up China and neighbouring ASEAN countries via rail and truck transport. This service includes the transports of cargo by rail between Kunming, China and Vientiane, Laos and then by truck from Vientiane to Thailand and other... more
Intermodal solution for Zimbabwe created 

CMA CGM is introducing a new dedicated service offering with an eco-friendly intermodal solution to serve the dynamic Harare province in Zimbabwe as an addition to the two existing services via Beira (Mozambique) and via Durban (South Africa). As of May 2022, the new... more
US short line rail road expands in Pennsylvania 

Reading & Northern Railroad (R&N) has acquired a campus in Carbon County (Pennsylvania, USA) consisting of a complex of nine buildings and a number of heavy cranes systems that can lift equipment of varying weights. The facility is situated in the middle of the R&N... more
Coal transports reach a record high 

Indian Railways (IR) has intensified its coal transports. During the year 2021-22, the state-owned railway augmented its coal shipments by a record 111 million t, thus loading a total of 653 million t of coal, 20.4 % more than the year before. Furthermore, during the period... more