A new boost for H2-T-F-Max 

The German clean tech company Quantron and the commercial vehicle manufacturer Ford Trucks are joining forces to develop and produce hydrogen-powered heavy commercial vehicles with fuel cell drives. The aim is to accelerate the market entry of H2 fuel cell trucks by... more
Normal operation expected for September 2024 

The damage in the Gotthard Base Tunnel that was caused by the derailment of the goods train on 10 August 2023 has turned out to be more serious than initially assumed. Accordingly, repair works will also take longer. The carriageway must be completely renewed over 7 km, SBB... more
An e-mobility partnership 

Scania and ABB E-Mobility have signed a global framework agreement, whereby ABB will support Scania with its wide range of DC charging solutions – from 24 kW up to 600 kW. The agreement enables Scania to become a full solution provider for its EV customers, the truck... more
Converted locomotive to serve US port 

A new eco-friendly locomotive will soon service the Jacksonville Port Authority’s (Jaxport’s) Talleyrand Marine Terminal. The unit is one of eight locomotives USA-wide which Watco is converting from diesel to battery power. The federal railroad administration (FRA), which... more
Driverless truck service to launch in Texas 

Aurora has opened a commercial-ready terminal in Houston, TX, USA, in preparation for the driverless truck services it plans to launch in late 2024. With this new facility, the autonomous driver specialist can support driverless trucks on the lane between Dallas and Houston.... more
Operail: losses despite savings 

To turn profitable, the Estonian railway wants to extend its business into foreign markets and increase the revenue base by investing the proceeds from the sale of assets into its expansion strategy. Further cost reductions would jeopardise rail freight capacity in Estonia,... more
Greece goes paperless 

The Greek government has joined the e-CMR Protocol and become the 35th country to accede to the digital version of the United Nations Convention for the Carriage of Goods (CMR). The e-CMR standard will enable the Greek logistics sector to offer more efficient services to its... more
Namibia: 417 km rail upgrade 

The African Development Bank (AFDB) has approved a USD 196 million loan to modernise Namibia’s rail infrastructure. The project entails building 207 km of new rail track between Kranzberg and Otjiwarongo, which includes constructing 16 bridges, renovating two stations, and... more
CSX to serve new battery plant 

North Carolina Railroad (NCRR) in the USA is investing USD 500,000 to assist with the design and construction of on-site rail infrastructure and rail spur for the US class I railway CSX to serve the Epsilon's new EV battery plant at Mid-Atlantic Industrial Rail Park in Brunswick... more
H2 truck, filling stations, protecting the Alps 

The Paul Group has developed the PH2P truck, Germany’s first serial-production hydrogen fuel-cell truck and also supplies the appropriate infrastructure. The group has opened a 'Next Mobility Hub' with filling station operator Maier Korduletsch and Shell on its company premises... more