Calm and steady hands to navigate through Covid-19 

Parcels logistics has undergone an unmatched boom over the past weeks. ITJ correspondent Josef Müller recently spoke to Peter Umundum, the member of Austrian Post’s management board in charge of parcels and logistics activities. The interview focused on the role the post office... more
Csafe Global launches hub operations in São Paulo 

Csafe Global has once again expanded its global reach and local presence by opening a new hub operation in São Paulo, Brazil. This is the latest addition to Csafe’s worldwide container operations facilities and the first in Brazil. “Pharmaceutical manufacturing has really... more
Hellmann and Silgan Closures extend their collaboration 

Logistics services provider Hellmann Worldwide Logistics and Silgan Closures EMEA, a manufacturer of closure solutions, have extended their ten-year collaboration. With the third extension of the contract, Hellmann, as a full-service provider in the field of contract logistics,... more
Paycargo Capital supports transport companies 

Paycargo Capital, a sister company of online payment platform Paycargo, has seen a rise in demand for its short-term credit facility during the Covid-19 pandemic. Transport companies and cargo owners that are customers of Paycargo in North America can apply for credit of between... more
Swissterminal launches “break & make bulk” 

Swissterminal intends to enter the warehousing market and expand its role in global supply chains with “break & make bulk,” a new warehousing offer for general cargo in which Swissterminal breaks down or assembles bulk shipments. The company will launch this new product... more
Hellmann relies on Dakosy's customs software 

Hellmann Logistics has implemented Dakoy's new Zodiak GE customs software on schedule. Just a year after deciding to opt for Dakosy, the company was able to throw the switch so that all branches in Germany now use Zodiak GE. Among the decisive factors in the choice of the... more
Kerry Logistics forms JV in Sri Lanka 

Kerry Logistics has set up a new joint venture, Kerry Logistics Lanka, with IAS Holdings in Sri Lanka to strengthen its international freight forwarding capabilities in South Asia. Headquartered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, Kerry Lanka sits at the strategic crossroads of East... more
New project on recycled site 

Garbe Industrial Real Estate and Bremer project development have begun construction of a logistics centre in the Hanau Technology Park. Following extensive revitalisation, the new headquarters for "tesa nie wieder bohren GmbH" will be completed by the end of 2020 and... more
Agility launches Global Response Aid 

Agility has launched Global Response Aid (GRA), a Dubai (UAE)-based company established to procure certified diagnostic, testing and protective products and offer services such as a contact-tracing app and mobile testing used in the detection, treatment and prevention of... more
New users in the Netherlands 

Logistics properties located within the perimeter of the port of Rotterdam remain in strong demand. In April there were no less than three transactions involving such facilities. Two investment companies enlarged their portfolios in the process, and Lidl, in turn, rented new... more