ESR secures major lease with Daiwa in Japan 

ESR, an APAC focused logistics real estate platform, has signed a new lease agreement for 71,736 sqm of prime logistics space with Daiwa Corporation at the ESR Kawasaki Yako distribution centre located in Kawasaki City, Tokyo Bay, Japan. The delivery of the leased space to... more
Hasler Transport widens its scope 

Swiss transport company Hasler Transport from Weinfelden (canton Thurgau) has taken over Dünki Transport from Kloten (canton Zurich) with retroactive effect from 1 July 2020. The company’s former owner Beat Dünki is selling his shares to Hasler Transport and therefore ensuring... more
VGP plans business park in Romania 

VGP, a Belgian developer, manager and owner of high-quality logistics and semi-industrial real estate, has announced plans for a new real estate development in the west of Romania. First deliveries in VGP Park Arad are scheduled as of 2021. The new plot secured by VGP... more
Tosca has acquires Contraload 

Tosca, a provider of reusable packaging and supply chain solutions, has finalised the acquisition of Contraload NV, a company that specialises in plastic pallet pooling services in the United Kingdom and European Union. The takeover enables Tosca to service supply chains end... more
Buyers Products expands warehouse capacity 

Buyers Products, a manufacturer in the work truck equipment industry, is doubling the size of its distribution centre and corporate headquarters in Mentor, Ohio (USA) to accommodate the company’s growing business needs. The expansion includes 26,000 sqm of 20 m-high... more
Witron technology in Canada 

Metro, a Canadian food retailer, has opted for the storage and picking systems of general contractor Witron Logistik + Informatik from Germany, which will be implemented in the new distribution centre in Toronto, Canada. Starting in 2021, the hub will supply more than 250... more
Fund manager invests in logistics real estate 

As planned, fund management company Helvetica Property Investors was able to transfer a special logistics property purchased in November 2019 to the Helvetica Swiss Opportunity Fund (HSO Fund). The property, which was newly built by the company's subsidiary Methabau in... more
NFI acquires CAI Logistics 

NFI, a supply chain solutions provider, has completed the acquisition of CAI Logistics, the non-asset logistics division of CAI International that generates more than USD 100 million in annual revenue. By acquiring CAI Logistics, NFI expands its suite of supply chain... more
Astre launches new wines and spirits service 

Wine sales in Europe generate revenues of about EUR 70 billion. Accelerated by the online trade, the share of bottled wines is increasing compared to wine sold in barrels. The European logistics network Astre is now launching a "wine & spirit" service to meet these... more
DFI builds on plot of former power plant 

DF Industrial Partners (DFI) has acquired a 110'000 sqm plot on the premises of RWE Power's former power plant in Mülheim-Kärlich (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany). Located close to the motorway, the property has excellent connections to the transport network. Most of the area... more