DSV benefits from 2020 

If a company is pushing a share buyback programme, its war chest is full. That is the case of the Danish DSV, which has reported its annual results for 2020. Revenues for the full year amounted to almost DKK 116 billion (EUR 15.46 billion), a significant rise of 18.3%... more
Data converter for customs handling 

There is a growing need among companies for solutions to integrate existing excel or CSV data into customs applications in order to better visualise customs processes and avoid double entries. In response to this market demand, the Hamburg-based software company Dakosy has... more
Index dampens hopes of fast comeback 

According to the recent Agility Emerging Markets Logistics Index, 51.5% out of 1,200 industry professionals surveyed don’t expect a full economic and logistics recovery until 2022 to 2024. They see Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa as the last regions to bounce back. It... more
AJW operative in Malpensa 

In December 2020, the British AJW Group opened a new 11,000 sqm warehouse in Milan to mainly support Easyjet’s EU operations, having become recently a supply chain solution provider of the airline. The new facility located adjacent to Malpensa airport, Milan, holds inventory... more
Shipper Wilo's new contract 

Wilo, a manufacturer of pumps and pump systems for building services, water management and industry founded in 1872, contracted Hellmann Worldwide Logistics to manage its Dortmund-based company’s global movement of goods. In this respect, the logistics provider will operate... more
A good year for Echo Global 

Chicago-headquartered Echo Global Logistics has reported its financial results for 2020. In total, revenues surged by 14.9% to USD 2.5 billion in comparison to the prior year, as gross profit increased 1.6% to USD 374.1 million from 2019. TL revenue went up by 22.3% to USD... more
Seko distributing Life 

For the sales region of North America, the shipper Vivo Life has partnered with Seko Logistics for the distribution of health and fitness supplements. The shipper from Glastonbury, UK, started its business range in the US market in time for its first Green Friday marketing... more
Ceva Logistics banks on future fairs 

The Netherlands exhibition centre MECC (Maastricht Exhibition and Conference Centre) has awarded a five-year contract to Ceva Logistics’ showfreight division. Comprising three halls covering 30,000 sqm of exhibition floors, the centre is host to numerous events every year.... more
Cooled ULDs under review 

In a recent study, the Institute for Supply Chain Management of the Swiss University of St. Gall analysed the "performance of selected pharma airfreight ULDs in comparison." The study compared nine of the pharma airfreight ULDs currently at the top of the list in the... more
GAC opts for QFZA 

The Qatar Free Zones Authority (QFZA) and GAC, a provider of shipping, logistics and marine services, have agreed on the establishment of a GAC contract logistics facility and office in the Ras Bufontas Free Zone. The virtual signing ceremony was attended by Ahmad bin... more