XPO gives birth to GXO 

US-headquartered XPO Logistics has created an umbrella spin-off of the group’s logistics business. The new company is to be named GXO Logistics. Brad Jacobs, current chairman and CEO of XPO Logistics, emphasised that the group's recent investments in technology have launched GXO... more
Dachser bypasses congestion in US ports 

In response to the congestion in the ports on the US West Coast that has been increasing since February this year, Dachser has launched a LCL expedited service connecting China to the USA with a cut on dwell time. Providing much-needed reliability with fixed weekly schedules... more
Picking tool easing the thirst 

In November 2020, international logistics provider cargo-partner was contacted by a European beverage company that wished to put the distribution of its rapidly growing number of online customer orders on a new footing - especially in the USA. The customer chose... more
Scottish Football Logistics worldwide 

As official logistics partner of new Scottish premiership champions Rangers Football Club, Seko Logistics is gearing up for its biggest-ever sports logistics order fulfilment and global shipping campaign. Manager Steven Gerrard and his squad claimed Rangers’ 55th league... more
More revenue for Gebrüder Weiss 

Austria-headquartered transport and logistics company Gebrüder Weiss (GW) has reported its audited results for the pandemic year 2020. Revenues amounted to EUR 1.77 billion, a surge of 3.7% compared to 2019 (EUR 1.71 billion). The e-commerce boom produced a 29% increase in... more
Meachers purchases AFS Haulage 

UK-based Meachers Global Logistics has acquired AFS Haulage. This acquisition, finalised on 8 March 2021, has expanded Meachers’ business by opening new routes to market, such as Palletways, and adding specialist vehicles, including HIAB and flatbeds, to its fleet. Details... more
FM Logistic banks on renewables 

French logistics service provider FM Logistic has started to use electricity from renewable sources in its own warehouses in central Europe, signing renewable energy contracts with Poland's power group PGE and Czechia's utility Pražská Energetika. In Poland, PGE will supply... more
Switzerland joins ICS2 

Switzerland will participate in the European Union's Import Control System 2 (ICS2). Customs data that are mainly generated in online trade will already be transmitted from the country of origin when the goods are shipped. This allows the Federal Customs Administration (FCA) to... more
How Agility weathered 2020 

Kuwait-headquartered logistics group Agility has reported its results for 2020. While revenues for the year went up by 2.7% and reached KWD 1.6 billion (USD 5.3 billion), net profit declined by a significant 52.1% to KWD 41.6 million (USD 137.7 million). Ebitda, in turn, lost... more
Ceva Logistics narrows losses 

In its consolidated results for 2020, Ceva Logistics, the logistics arm of CMA CGM, shows an 4.1% increase in revenue to USD 7.4 billion and an operating income of USD 135.0 million, four times more than the USD 31 million in the prior year. Losses for the period narrowed to... more