New businesses in Addis Ababa and Kuala Lumpur
After months of negotiation, Maskargo welcomed its new business partner Ethiopian Airlines at Kuala Lumpur airport earlier this month. The weekly B777F service offers an 80 t payload on the route Brussels-Dubai-Kuala Lumpur-Brussels. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the launch was... more
Swiss in Geneva
On behalf of Geneva University Hospital and the Canton of Geneva and in collaboration with Swiss Centers China and Swiss International Air Lines, supported by its Swiss World Cargo airfreight division, landed its first cargo-only flight at Geneva airport on 21 April. The B777... more
Tests in America and a world's first in Africa
UPS's drone delivery subsidiary UPS Flight Forward has partnered with research institutes and technology partners in Virginia in tests designed to determine how unmanned aerial systems can assist medical professionals in their fight to stop the spread of the... more
United Cargo upgrades humanitarian efforts
Since beginning using Boeing 777 and 787 aircraft from United's passenger fleet for operating cargo-only flights, the carrier has operated 400+ flights carrying more than 6,000 t of cargo. United Cargo president Jan Krems: "We're proud to play an active role in... more
Virus calls for vigilance
We last spoke to Massimo Roccasecca when Covid-19 was just landing in Italy (see page 21 of ITJ 11-12 / 2020). Now we present the freight head’s exclusive report on the dynamic since then in Italy and in his group, which manages the airports in Venice, Verona, Treviso and... more
DHL launches "UbuntuConnect" service via Dubai
DHL Global Forwarding has launched a dedicated 100 t weekly airfreight service for organizations and governments shipping goods from China to Africa and the Middle East. Named after the Nguni Bantu word, ubuntu (humanity) used across Africa to refer to the universal bond of... more
Antonov continues to assemble new transport aircraft
The Ukrainian aircraft manufacturer Antonov is continuing to produce the AN-178 aircraft under quarantine conditions. As of last week, the preparatory works for jig assembly of the aircraft’s fuselage were completed. In total, 25 Ukrainian companies and about 30 European and... more
Fight against Covid-19 in the Antipodes
Hawaiian Airlines reports that "while our nearly empty cabins signal the difficult new reality facing the airline industry, the containers that fill the bellies of our aircraft tell a different, more uplifting, story": Each day approximately 51 t of produce,... more
Efforts abound in South American markets
After widening its intra-American network, Latam Cargo is strengthening its supply between South America and Europe. Specifically, the company added a seventh weekly frequency, totalling a 40% increase in its offer compared to the period prior to the pandemic. Up until 18... more
Even Ryanair joins the ranks to fight the pandemic
As March passenger traffic plunged by 48% year-on-year, even the Irish low cost carrier Ryanair diversified its business, operating 33,000 scheduled flights (64,000 budgeted) last month. They included a number of rescue and medical flights on behalf of various EU... more