Affordable next-day parcel delivery by Teleport Pink
Teleport, the logistics arm of Capital A (formerly the AirAsia Group), officially launched Teleport Pink recently – a next-day international parcel delivery service that allows customers in Kuala Lumpur to send anything to Singapore at a flat rate of MYR 40. Teleport Pink was... more
Memphis steams infested chestnuts for the holidays
A month ago US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists in Memphis TN intercepted nine immature insects in a shipment of chestnuts. The eight-kilogram shipment from Bolzano (Italy) was en route to a residential address in Long Island NY and lacked the... more
"Augmented GSSA" provides qualified and trained staff
Recruiting skilled local staff is often one of the biggest delaying factors that air cargo companies face when they seek to expand into new regions and markets. The ECS Group has solved this problem for a number of clients for more than a decade. Now it has started offering... more
Natilus partners with Janicki
Natilus, a US corporation, is producing the world’s first purpose-made autonomous aircraft for airfreight transport. As a big step forward, Natilus has partnered with Janicki for composite part design and fabrication. Through Natilus’ design and development of a mostly... more
De-icing pads to keep parcels moving at MEM
Federal, state, local and business leaders marked the completion of 3.3 million sqft de-icing pads at Memphis International Airport, home to FedEx’s largest air cargo sorting facility. The pads are large enough to de-ice twelve wide-body cargo aircraft simultaneously, which will... more
B747-8F engines to be serviced for six more years
Nippon Cargo Airlines (NCA), which operates eight Boeing B747-8Fs, has extended an engine services agreement with GE Aerospace by six years. The ‘rate per flight hour’ deal covers the four GEnx-2B engines on each of NCA’s cargo Jumbos. Toshiaki Kobori, NCA’s managing director... more
JAL implementing drones to support island life
JAL has concluded a drone project agreement with the town of Setouchi-cho, on the island of Amami in the Kagoshima prefecture at the southernmost tip of Japan. The undertaking studies the transportation of relief goods to isolated communities in times of natural disasters and... more
MGH renews RA3 certification
Madagascar Ground Handling (MGH) has renewed its certification for a period of two years as an ‘authorised agent for third countries’ (RA3) for the handling of freight for shipment to European Union member states. This certification, now valid until 3 August 2025, comes after... more
World ACD: Air cargo rates finally stabilise
Global air cargo tonnages have continued to slide downwards in November, normally a buoyant month in the air freight calendar, with a further steep decline in week 47 (21 to 27 November) led by falling volumes to and from North America (-20%). The decrease in chargeable... more
More staff shortages in the cargo handling sector
From 2023, the German Federal Aviation Authority will enforce new regulations that will make access regulations unnecessarily difficult for many air cargo companies. Air cargo handlers with the status of regulated agents will be affected: Contrary to previous and proven... more