West of England P&I Club expands New York office
The marine insurer West of England is expanding its New York office. Senior claims manager Emily McCulloch transferred to New York from London at the beginning of the year and will be joined by Alton Peralta, a locally qualified claims adjuster with extensive experience of dealing with US liabilities and especially crew claims under the Jones Act.
The lawyer McCulloch has significant experience of both P&I and defence claims, having worked as a syndicate manager at another International Group Club prior to joining the West.
Alton has had a 20 year career in all aspects of marine risk management and claims handling, both at the operational level for a leading tug and barge operator and with marine insurance companies, where he was latterly the marine claims manager for the east coast and Gulf regions for a large American carrier.
Together, McCulloch and Peralta will be providing a localised claims service to the Club’s members in the USA, Canada and South America. (mw)