
Artikel Nummer: 38494
Waberer's leaves the trail of tears
In its financial results for Q3/2021, Hungary-based company Waberer’s International reports a 7.9% rise in revenues compared to the same period last year, reaching EUR 147.8 million. This result was 1.4% below Q2/2021, and both the ITS and RCL segments were affected.
Recurring ebit amounted to EUR 6.6 million in Q3/2021, which is a EUR 5.4 million improvement compared to Q3/2020. Net income increased to EUR 3.3 million in Q3/2021, a EUR 4.5 million uptick on a year-on-year basis.
The average number of employees was 5,772 over the quarter, 82 down from the previous quarter and 659 less than in Q3/2020. Most of the fleet reductions took place in Q2/2020. (sh)