VPI takes a stand
Private freight wagon holders have equipped more than 60,000 wagons with quiet (whisper) brakes over the last few years. Right on time for the timetable change on 13 December 2020, all their fleets will run more smoothly and quietly in Germany’s rail network. Millions of euros were invested in this switch to whisper brakes, which has resulted in a 50% reduction of noise emissions.
However, the association of wagon holders (VPI) says that some customers are already contemplating cancelling their leases for modern quiet wagons and returning to the old noisy railcars instead. The move could pay off, since the German federal ministry for transport (BMVI) has allegedly stated that failure to comply with the rail-noise protection act, which comes into effect in 2021, shall not be penalised.
“This will needlessly increase noise on railtracks and create a competitive disadvantage for those holders who, in accordance with the law, have refurbished their fleets in time for this year’s timetable change,” VPI warned. (ben)