US cargo airlines continue to hire workers
The number of employees in the USA’s airline industry (passenger and cargo airlines combined) rose to 728,150 in December 2021, 20,049 (2.83%) more than in November 2021 and 21,340 (2.85%) fewer than in December 2019. This figure is the highest industry headcount since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.
US cargo airlines employed 283,051 workers, 39% of the industry total. Cargo carriers added 11,123 employees (8,623 FTEs) in December, led by Federal Express (up 12,945).
As of December, the US airline industry operated with 25,232 fewer employees (3.3%) than at the mid-February 2020 onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Airlines receiving payroll support from the 2020 Coronavirus aid, relief and economic security act (Cares act) were prevented from furloughing employees until 1 October 2020. (ah)