Upgrading the DUSS terminal in Hamburg-Billwerder
The premises of the German DUSS terminal in Hamburg-Billwerder witnessed an anything but everyday event on Tuesday, 19 November 2019: a truck-mounted crane with a load capacity of 400 t lifted two new gantry girders into their final position.
This operation was the starting signal for the first phase in the upgrading of the terminal operated by the Deutsche Umschlaggesellschaft Schiene-Strasse (DUSS). Five of seven cranes are to be renewed by the middle of 2021.
The German state will invest about EUR 18 million into this renewal programme. As a key network hub, the terminal, which was inaugurated in 1993, provides access to various transport services and routes run by operators from southern Europe to Scandinavia with 24 single-destination trains per day. (ben)