TX Logistik changes terminal near Milan
The operator will be using the Intermodale Milano Segrate terminal on its intermodal link between DUSS terminal Duisburg-Ruhrort Hafen Duisburg (Germany) and Milan (Italy) in future. The transhipment facility located east of the Italian metropolis replaces the previous destination terminal Busto Arsizio.
The relocation will become effective on 11 January. Segrate is closer to the metropolis of Milan and the industrial district of Bergamo and Brescia, TXL said. In addition, numerous Mercitalia connections to other destinations in the Italian rail network can also be used there.
TX Logistik is owned by Mercitalia Logistics, a subsidiary of FS Italian, and operates the connection Duisburg - Milan with five round trips per week as an open train system. (ben)