Two tandems to lead L.I.T. subsidiaries
The L.I.T. Group is expanding the management for two of its subsidiaries. Since 1 July 2022, Robert Hennemann has been heading L.I.T. Cargo together with Ingo Schreiber, while Michael Borowski has been appointed to the management team of L.I.T. air & sea alongside Simeon Breuer. Both have already taken over operational duties as authorised signatories.
While Borowski joined the L.I.T. Group in 2018 and has been, among other things, operational manager of air & sea, Hennemann has spent most of his professional career in the company.
During his more than 20 years at L.I.T., Hennemann was operational manager of S.L. Systemlogistik, which belongs to the group, until 2014. Most recently, he was in charge of the operational business and in particular driving staff management at L.I.T. Cargo. (cj)