TT Club: change of leadership in Singapore
After five years as chief executive for TT Club and having led Thomas Miller’s Singapore operations for 15 years, Yiah Soon (YS) Ng (left) has announced his retirement. As chief executive, he is succeeded by Kamel Tlili (right), TT Club’s regional general manager Asia Pacific, who took over the role in September.
Tlili was appointed regional general manager Asia Pacific twelve months ago and will now additionally act as CE Singapore Branch. He is well known in the marine mutual community, having previously spent 14 years at TT’s sister mutual, UK P&I Club, both as an underwriting director and claims director and six years heading British Marine’s P&I underwriting division in Asia at QBE.
During his first year at TT Club, Tlili has advanced the club’s reputation in Southeast Asia as a major provider of mutual insurance to the transport and logistics industry. (cj)