Truck2Train project launched
The non-profit association, Allianz pro Schiene, and Germany’s federal association for road freight transportation, logistics and waste management (BGL) recently launched a Truck2train project in Germany. It focuses on giving small and medium-sized hauliers easier access to the rail network.
Germany’s transport industry is characterised by a large number of small providers. Of the around 45,000 firms involved in commercial road haulage, some 80% have less than 20 employees and less than ten vehicles. Many of these SMEs do not yet use intermodal transport services, mainly due to their lack of information and relevant services to master the logistical challenges. And this is where Truck2train comes into play.
As part of the project, Allianz pro Schiene and BGL want to develop digital entry portal standards for bimodal road-rail services and recommendations that will facilitate multimodal transport planning and thus shift more traffic onto the railway. (ben)