Transfrigoroute becomes a member of BGL
The Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL, German freight transport association) and Transfrigoroute are pleased to announce that Transfrigoroute’s application for membership in BGL has been approved unanimously.
As a trade association for temperature-controlled transport logistics, Transfrigoroute has a core competence in this sector and will therefore become BLG’s “competence centre for thermo & food logistics”. With this move, the association wants to pay more attention to food producers and retailers and the distribution traffic/last mile segment in future.
Dirk Engelhardt, managing director of BGL, says: “Transfrigoroute and BGL have been pursuing a constructive cooperation in an atmosphere of mutual trust for years. We hope that these even closer links will generate synergies not only for both our association but also for other member associations of the BLG. Furthermore, BGL and Transfrigoroute will coordinate their activities in Brussels.” (mw)