Transco invests in cold storage
Logistics services provider Transco is investing in deep-freeze and fresh logistics. Near the Lake of Constance the company plans to open a temperature controlled high-bay warehouse with 5,000 pallet spaces. The new storage facility will feature several temperature zones, the coldest being -22°.
Transco CEO Christian Büchele: “Deep-freeze logistics is an additional part of our expansion strategy, which we intend to pursue even during this difficult economic climate. With our warehouse we create attractive offers for the region’s food industry and, by diversifying into new markets, we further strengthen our company’s resilience.”
Besides deep-freeze and fresh logistics, Transco's new hub will also offer storage facilities for value added services for contract logistics. The warehouse will have a modular design so that it may be expanded quickly to meet rising demand. If required, a cargo handling terminal for deep-freeze and fresh products can be added to the location. (mw)