Trans Caribbean Cargo chooses NAS in Europe
One month ago, Network Airline Services (NAS), the GSSA division of the Network Aviation Group, began to act as cargo general sales agent (CGSA) of Trans Caribbean Cargo (TCC) in Europe, which initially includes total coverage in Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. More countries are expected to be added in the foreseeable future.
TCC is a USS-based airline out of Miami that operates a fleet of B747F and MD11F aircraft into destinations such as Lima (LIM), Bogota (BOG), Medellin (MDE), Guarani (AGT) and Caracas (CCS) but also includes various other important South American destinations.
TCC can carry almost any cargo ranging from perishables & live animals to dangerous goods & valuable cargo and also offers full or part charters as well as more "special" one-off projects. (ah)