Tigers launches PPE portal on its eShop
Tigers has launched a new dedicated personal protective equipment (PPE) section on its eShop, powered by its freight portal Smarthub:Connect. The global logistics and transportation company has also released new software updates for Smarthub:Connect, giving customers shortcuts to buy and process documentation for the shipment of PPE.
Tigers is also managing the door-to-door transport of five million medical masks from Guangzhou in China, to Sydney, Australia. The masks are travelling on a total of four A33C charter flights operated by China Southern Airlines, with the first 1.2 million safely delivered last week.
“It is important to be able to adapt to a changing landscape and keep freight moving, whatever the challenge,” said Andrew Jillings, Tigers’ CEO. “Our technology focus and our investment in Smarthub:Connect means that we are able to offer customers a reliable and tested platform which streamlines purchase orders while interfacing with their entire sales processes.” (mw)