01.11.2023 By: Patricia Büeler

Artikel Nummer: 47125
Three tugs delivered to Poland
Damen Shipyards has delivered three new ASD Tugs to WUZ Port and Maritime Services in Gdansk, Poland. The three tugs, including "Pax", the last of the trio, were welcomed into the fleet in a flag-raising ceremony in October.
The first two, "Ares" and "Mars", were delivered in July and have been in operation in Gdansk since. "Pax", built by Albwardy Damen in the UAE, is an ASD Tug 2811, designed for high performance and efficiency, with excellent manoeuvrability.
The tugs are part of the Port of Gdansk's expansion strategy and are equipped for LNG terminal operations. WUZ Port and Maritime Services now has seven Damen tugs in its fleet. (pb)