Tarros Portugal celebrates ten years
It was 2 November 2009 when the M/V "Vento di Maestrale" entered the port of Setubal in Portugal. Now the Italian company Tarros wants to celebrate with its customers the first ten years of activity of the line that directly connects Portugal to the Mediterranean.
Tarros line was important for the port of Setubal to excel in container transport and become a reference for trade to the Mediterranean. The service has evolved since 2009. At the beginning the ships had a capacity of 700 teu, whereas nowadays their capacity is 1,200 teu, a clear sign of development and efficiency.
In 2013 Tarros Portugal was established to provide a more personalised and efficient service. The team worked on the Portuguese market developing services for the whole territory. In 2018 a new direct seaport call in Leixèes was opened, confirming and strengthening the company’s operations. (mw)