Tapa certificate for trans-o-flex
For its location in Hürth near Cologne (Germany), the express delivery company trans-o-flex has received the certificate of the transported asset protection association (Tapa). Trans-o-flex was audited in accordance with the Tapa FSR-C standard and received the certificate at the first attempt. FSR-C stands for facility security requirement category C and is the first Tapa certification level.
“In terms of security, this standard is more stringent than anything else in ISO quality management. It is the ideal basis for the ongoing development of our security processes and technology,” says Wolfgang P. Albeck, CEO of trans-o-flex. Albeck intends to make Hürth a showcase location for future Tapa certifications. “It is the standard according to which we will gradually have the other locations certified.”
From Albeck's point of view, the certification has two advantages. “On the one hand, the Tapa certification is another step towards increasing the safety of our entire processes and systems in keeping with the most stringent standards. On the other hand, it enables us to credibly document the high security standards we have already reached.” (mw)