"Strong year" for DSV Panalpina
DSV Panalpina has released its 2019 annual report, commented by CEO Jens Bjørn Andersen: "Q4/ 2019 was in line with our expectations and we can report ebit of DKK 6.654 million (EUR 890,373) for 2019, an 8.4% organic growth on 2018. 2019 was a strong year for our company – not least thanks to the acquisition of Panalpina in August 2019."
And he emphasised that "a large part of our organisation is now working hard on the integration and things are progressing well. For 2020, we expect ebit in the DKK 8.2 -8.7 million (EUR 1.100-1.160 million) range, and our shareholders can expect significant returns via share buybacks. It is difficult to predict the market situation in 2020; currently, the corona virus situation is impacting global supply chains and creating uncertainty. However, at this stage it is not possible to predict the financial impact."
The board of directors proposes ordinary dividends of DKK 2.50 (EUR 3.34) per share for 2019 (2018: DKK 2.25 per share). (ah)