Strengthening general cargo network
As many as eight carriers have now joined Online Systemlogistik (OSL) in Germany. Werner Transport & Logistik and 17111 Logistik strengthen the general cargo network in Schleswig-Holstein, followed by Spedition Vögele, Grieshaber Logistik and Allgäu Frachtlogistik in the south, Kurt Rothschild in Rhineland-Palatinate and Rottbeck and Hövelmann in North Rhine-Westphalia. Area optimisation is currently at the forefront of OSL's expansion strategy.
To make its services more sustainable, the network is increasingly focusing on short distances. This reduces energy consumption and CO2 emissions, the association says. OSL is an association of 88 owner-operated logistics companies. The general cargo association operates four hubs and provides transport services within Europe. (ben)