Second managing director for LHG
Upon recommendation of the supervisory board of Lübecker Hafen-Gesellschaft (LHG), Germany’s largest port operator on the Baltic Sea, Ortwin Harms (right) has been appointed the company’s second managing director with effect from 1 April 2021.
Sebastian Jürgens (left), currently sole managing director, will also be head spokesman, responsible for operations, technology, finance, digitalisation and strategic restructuring.
In addition to his previous responsibility for marketing and sales, Harms will focus on personnel strategy and tariff policy. Having joined LHG as a “shed manager” 30 years ago, Harms is already part of the company’s management team.
Mayor Jan Lindenau, LHG’s principal shareholder representative: “With Jürgens and Harms, we have two leaders who will make the LHG fit for the future”. (amh)