Schwarzmüller acquires Hüffermann
The Schwarzmüller Group, an Austrian manufacturer of utility vehicles, is taking over Hüffermann Transportsysteme, a German producer of container transport trailers. With this acquisition, Schwarzmüller bolsters its competence in terms of building and infrastructure vehicles and gives Hüffermann the opportunity to expand its business activities worldwide.
Hüffermann Transportsysteme has around 250 employees, produces more than 1,000 vehicles per annum and generates about EUR 40 million in turnover.
"We speak the same language and have the same goals. For that reason we are particularly pleased to have been given the chance for this acquisition," said Roland Hartwig, Schwarmüller's CEO. He added that it had not been difficult to give commitments as to the location and workforce, since the companies intend to grow together. All existing resources will be needed to achieve this end. (mw)