Saudia Cargo's first commercial service to Denmark
Utilising Saudia Airlines B777-300 passenger planes with 140 t payload capacity per flight, Saudia Cargo kicked off its "preighter" flights to Copenhagen.
Chief cargo officer Teddy Zebitz, who is from Denmark: "We believe that Copenhagen, as a central location in the Scandinavian region, is an ideal route to capture business from all these countries. For Denmark and Sweden, we’re focusing on pharmaceuticals while in Norway, we’re looking at transporting perishables like Salmon which the country is very well known for."
Johan Toreheim, managing director at Euro Cargo Aviation, the carrier's regional GSSA: "With two weekly departures, we will not only be able to give the Danish market a good and quick connection to Saudi Arabia, but to several international connections from Riyadh and Jeddah as well." (ah)