SAS Cargo flies two giant pandas to Copenhagen
Today (4 April 2019), as a gesture of goodwill from the president of China following the Queen of Denmark's 2014 state visit, two giant pandas from the Chengdu Panda base are making their way with SAS Cargo from Beijing to their new home in Copenhagen Zoo. The preparations for the arrival of these VIP residents has been underway for years.
Leif Rasmussen, president and CEO, SAS Cargo: "We feel that being entrusted with bringing Mao Sun and Xing Er to their new home is a great recognition of our continuous efforts to put safety and quality at the forefront of our operations."
Bengt Holst, the zoo's vice-director and director of research and conservation: "Throughout the entire project, we feel that we have an experienced partner that helps us look at the pandas' wellbeing as a top priority." (ah)