Sanitary containers now available at GVZ Bremen
New sanitary containers with showers and toilets for truck drivers are now available in the service park in the GVZ Bremen, Germany. The containers were supplied by the industry initiative #Logistikhilft, and the rents are financed by donations.
About 6,000 to 7,000 trucks are moved through the GVZ Bremen per day. The new sanitary containers complement the existing facilities and have been set up on the premises of GVZ's central supplier Backhaus.
Access is provided via the Kravag Truck Parking App. #Logistikhilft is a joint initiative by the German federal ministry for transport and digital infrastructure (BMVI), the Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL, German freight association), the non-profit association DocStop / SaniStop and many other supporters from the logistics sector and related industries. (ben)