Saloodo expands to Africa
Today, 14 November 2019, the logistics start-up Saloodo launched its platform for shippers and transport providers in South Africa, bringing the first digital road freight platform to the region. An efficient road haulage network is a key conduit of trade within a geographically wide-spread country such as South Africa but also with 16 landlocked countries within Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
However, much of the region’s road freight operations remain fragmented and highly traditional, missing out on the visibility, efficiency and security that technology offers. “After successfully entering the Middle East we have taken the decision to continue on our growth path by expanding to the African continent,” said Thomas Grunau, CEO of Saloodo.
“In the world’s youngest continent with 60% of the population below 25, economic decisions and growth are increasingly driven by a dynamic generation of digitally-minded young adults. These are ideal conditions for offering and further developing our smart solution.” (mw)