
Artikel Nummer: 31875
Safe delivery: 16-axle truck ships 190 t
Kroustalelis, a Greek special transport company, took over the first lap of the delivery of two 67 m long, 5.85 m wide and 190 t heavy boilers for a refinery plant in Azerbaidjan: the cargo was shipped from EKME’s manufacturing plant in Thessaloniki, Greece, to this city’s port 12 km away.
For this part of the journey, Kroustalelis deployed a 16 axle heavy-duty combination from Goldhofer. To avoid commuter traffic, the bulky cargoes were carried on two weekends to the port of Thessaloniki, from where they could be shipped punctually and safely to Baku. In total, the giant vehicle with the tractor-trailer was more than 77 m long. (ben)