Retiring after 35 years at Daimler
After serving the Daimler group in many different positions for 35 years, Stefan Buchner, member of the board of Daimler Truck and head of Mercedes-Benz Lkw, will retire on 30 September 2020. Since January 2013 he has been head of Mercedes-Benz Lkw worldwide. "In the sixth decade of my life I have taken the personal decision to retire," said Stefan Buchner.
Martin Daum, chairman of the board at Daimler Truck: "Buchner will remain on board until the IAA (international automobile exhibition), which is of great importance to Mercedes-Benz Lkw. This will give us enough time to take the best possible decision as to his succession and start recruiting new talent to the board of Daimler Truck. The time frame also gives us sufficient opportunity to organise a smooth transition." (mw)