Re-elected president to strengthen leadership
On 17 March 2022, the board of directors of Union TLF re-elected Eric Hemar, president of ID Logistics, as president of the organisation.
For this new three-year mandate, the president and the leadership of the association intend to influence French and European decisions to make logistics competitiveness a national issue for the entire industry and distribution system.
Carole Dupessey, president of Dupessey & Co, has been appointed vice president of Union TLF. A member of Union TLF's board of directors since 2019, she joins Jean-Pierre Sancier (president of the CNR) and Joël Glusman (president of TLF Overseas and president of Crystal Group), both vice presidents of Union TLF. Marc Vettard, managing director of the Stef Group, joins Union TFL’s the association's board of directors. (cj)