Qingdao train to reach Milan in 23 days
In cooperation with Rail Cargo Austria (RCA), the Russian transport company Trans Container, has arranged its first dispatch of a transit train from China to Austria and Italy. The train consisting of 50 containers loaded with consumer goods recently departed from Qingdao, China.
The route passes through the border-crossing points of Zamyn-Uud (China-Mongolia), Naushki (Russia), Osipovka-Krasnoe (Russia-Belarus) and Brest-Malaszewicze (Belarus-Poand), where the containers will be reloaded onto wagons with the European gauge and delivered to Austria and Italy across Poland and Czechia.
Total transit time to Linz (Austria) and Milan (Italy) will be 22 and 23 days respectively. Trans Container provides containers along the whole route and rolling stock along 1,520 mm gauge. (ben)