PSA Mittelmeerzug between Basel and Genoa runs on schedule
At the end of 2018, PSA installed the Mittelmeerzug, the first-ever direct rail connection between Genoa in Italy and Basel in Switzerland. The train reduces the transit time for containers by at least seven days (sailing time required to reach the North-European ports) and helps avoid the unpredictability of barge connections southwards.
Notwithstanding Covid-19 difficulties, the southern European ports continue to operate as usual and, despite the dramatic rail accident on the Swiss rail network between Basel and Freiburg last week, the PSA train connecting Central Europe to the port of Genoa is running as scheduled.
The Mittelmeerzug has a length of 440 m and a capacity of 1,250 t. PSA Mittelmeerzug runs three roundtrips per week and transports high-cube containers as well as shipments containing ADR goods. (ben)