Prologis and L’Oréal open carbon-neutral hub
Prologis and L’Oréal have opened their new carbon-neutral logistics facility in Muggensturm, south of Karlsruhe (Germany). The real estate covers an area of more than 100,000 sqm and is therefore L’Oréal’s largest distribution hub worldwide.
From this location, the cosmetics company supplies markets in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The state-of-the-art warehouse almost doubles the L’Oréal’s existing capacities in Karlsruhe, which will enable long-term growth and the integration of logistics services to and from Switzerland.
“With the Muggensturm facility we can now guarantee a more flexible response to our customers’ needs. By combining our activities in one location we can cooperate even more efficiently,” says Klemens Gschwandtner, director operations DACH at L’Oréal. (mw)